What are the medical library's resources and services?
- 24/7 access to online journal articles, e-books, clinical tools, databases, and subject guides
- Information requests and questions answered by medical library team members
- Specialized research consultation, instruction, curriculum planning, or other support
- Interlibrary loan (ILL) services provided during business hours
Selected medical library resource/service links:
- How can I get started with medical library basics?
- How do I access library resources from off campus? (Search for article, etc. > Log in w/your FSUID if needed)
- Why am I getting an FSUID authentication error message?
- Interlibrary Loan Request form for physical FSU items and online articles or book chapters
- Research Services Request form for individual consultations
Medical library personnel are available online and/or on campus during business hours 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
General contact information: medlibrary@med.fsu.edu or 850-644-3883 (voicemail)
Direct contact: Martin Wood, Director, martin.wood@med.fsu.edu or 850-645-7304 (voicemail)