How do I re-verify my UpToDate personal/mobile account?


Every 90 days, UpToDate sends generic emails to personal account holders, typically with the subject lines Maintain your remote access to UpToDate or Your remote access to UpToDate has lapsed. These emails serve as reminders for you to re-verify through the FSU College of Medicine website portal.

To re-verify, log in with your College of Medicine username/password (Tips below if you don't know or remember them) to the College of Medicine UpToDate Portalon a browser, either on your mobile device or on your computer:

Once you are in UpToDate, log in with your personal UpToDate username/password you created when you signed up. (see Tips below if you don't remember this password)

  • If you were already logged in to your personal UTD account, you may need to log out, and then log back in to be reverified -- this may take a minute or two.
  • Even if you don't see your name but are logged in to UpToDate on another computer or device, you may need to log out there as well!

You should receive a  pop-up message verifying that your remote access has been extended another 90 days.



  • Your College of Medicine username (MEDID) is used to access COM-specific sites like your COM email, MEDNet Intranet (previously called SharePoint), and Evaluations.
  • For students, your COM login and FSUID are often the same; for example: jas16a -- but your password may not be the same!
  • If you do not remember your College of Medicine username (MEDID) or password, contact the OIT Helpdesk at or call 850-644-3664. (Resetting your FSUID password will NOT change your MEDID -- they are two different systems)
  • Your personal UpToDate account password includes at least 1 uppercase letter and at least 1 number or special character: - _ @ # $ * ! ( ) + =
  • Not sure if you are logged in to your personal UpToDate account? If you do not see your name on the top right of the screen, then click Login/Register to login.
  • Once you have logged in with your personal account, you can check your expiration date by clicking on "My Account." Under "Subscription," you can View the Expiration Date.
  • The expiration date has been updated, but the app still says your access has lapsed? Try deleting the app, and downloading it again.

For assistance once you have logged in to your personal UpToDate account, contact UpToDate Customer Service at customerservice@uptodate.com1-800-998-6374 

  • Last Updated Feb 20, 2024
  • Views 2095
  • Answered By Susan Epstein

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UpToDate is available to College of Medicine students, residents, full-time faculty, and clerkship directors. Access, both on and off campus, is through our UpToDate portal.