Maguire Medical Library
Research Services Policy

Research Consultations

Research consultations are available at no cost to Florida State University College of Medicine faculty, students, residents/fellows, and research staff. Knowledgeable medical librarians can conduct expert literature searches, help researchers prepare for literature reviews, advising on search strategies, assist with terminology and database selection, and provide guidance or instruction for relevant databases.

Literature Search Services

The Maguire Medical Library staff specialize in finding and accessing health and life sciences information and published literature. Literature searches conducted by a medical librarian are only available to FSU College of Medicine faculty or to students working on a research team led by FSU COM faculty member(s). Students and residents/fellows are expected to perform searches themselves for any curriculum-related assignments.

Submitting a Literature Search Request: What to Expect

After receiving your literature search request, a medical librarian will conduct a brief consultation with you via email or a scheduled meeting/phone call. The consultation serves to clarify search particulars and determine an approximate timeline for completion.

The medical librarian selects and searches appropriate databases for the provided topic and determined criteria, then shares a list of citations from the search results. Citations include authors, titles, journal titles, and if available, abstracts. The results do not include full-text articles. Results will be sent electronically via an EndNote online shared folder unless otherwise requested.

Please note that it is not the responsibility of the medical librarian to select the most appropriate articles from the list of results.


Research Services Request Form

Note: Students and residents/fellows are expected to perform literature searches themselves for any curriculum-related assignments or research opportunities (e.g., medical student summer research); however, librarians can provide advice on search strategies, assistance with terminology, and guidance to/instruction on appropriate databases.

You will be contacted within one business day after submitting a request; if not, please email us for further assistance.

Fields marked with * are required.

Your Research Request

Describe your research question or topic below. Please allow at least 5 business days for us to help with your literature search. 

Examples and Helpful Sources

Upload sample citations or documents (e.g., similar journal articles, research proposal, manuscripts, etc.)

Fields marked with * are required.