How do I download PubMed references to EndNote on a Mac?


Complete these steps (one time only!) to more easily add PubMed* references to your EndNote Library:

(Note: this process will work with other file extensions such as .ris, .enw, and .ciw)

  1. Open your EndNote library
  2. Open Safari to
  3. Search a topic in PubMed
    1. Check off one reference in the Search results list
    2. Select Send to > Citation Manager > Create File
    3. Check your Downloads folder and locate the citations.nbib file
  4. Right click on the citations.nbib file
  5. Select "Get Info"
  6. Go to: "Open with" at the bottom
  7. Click the drop-down arrow and select "Other"
  8. In the new dialog box, select the "EndNote X8" folder > "EndNote X8" application file
  9. At the bottom, check off "Always open with" and click "Add"
  10. In the "Open with" box, click on the "Change all" button, then "Continue"
  11. Restart EndNote, then check your Downloads folder and locate the citations.nbib file
  12. Double click on the citations.nbib file and it will open in the EndNote program (you can also double click on the file from the Safari downloads folder)

*Current version of PubMed, to be known as "legacy PubMed" in Spring 2020 when the new PubMed becomes the default.

Adapted from content produced by the California State University Sacramento Library:

  • Last Updated Dec 11, 2023
  • Views 553
  • Answered By Melodie Gardner

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