How do I export my publication data in FEAS to NCBI’s SciENcv?


SciENcv is a tool you can use to generate a professional profile and biosketch using information in your My Bibliography account. There are several ways to add your publications to My Bibliography, some of which involve manual entry or adding citations directly from PubMed.

You may also import your publication data to My Bibliography from other sources as a MEDLINE or RIS file. However, FSU’s Faculty Expertise and Advancement System (FEAS) cannot export citation data in these formats. If you choose to use FEAS to generate an import file, you will need to export data from FEAS to EndNote, and then use EndNote to create an RIS file.

To export data from FEAS, follow these steps:

  1. Sign into FEAS.
  2. Select Import/Export Publications from the Shortcut Menu.
  3. Choose EndNote Import Format from the dropdown menu, then select the Export from CV Database button.
  4. Save this EndNote Import file on your computer where you can easily locate it.


After you save the EndNote Import file, you will need to import the file into EndNote.

  1. Log into your EndNote account.
  2. Choose Organize > Manage My Groups
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the New Group button.
  4. Create a name for this new group (which will be the location of your soon-to-be-imported citations).
  5. Choose Collect from the top menu > Import References.
  6. Click the Choose File button, and select the EndNote file that you previously saved on your computer.
  7. Choose EndNote Import from the Import Option dropdown menu.
  8. Select the group you created in Step 4, then click Import.


Once your citations have been imported into EndNote, you must create an EndNote RIS export file compatible with My Bibliography.

Using EndNote:

  1. Select Format from the top menu > Export References.
  2. Choose the EndNote group that you previously created with your FEAS citations.
  3. Select EndNote Export from the Export Style dropdown menu.


After you save the EndNote RIS file to your computer, you will need to import that file into My Bibliography.

  1. Sign into My Bibliography.
  2. Select the Upload a file button.
  3. Locate your EndNote RIS file on your computer and upload it.


It is also possible to link your ORCID profile to your NCBI account. By linking an ORCID iD to a NCBI account, users will be able to create SciENcv profiles using the personal statement, education, employment, publications, and research awards information stored in ORCID records.

  • Last Updated Dec 11, 2023
  • Views 190
  • Answered By Melodie Gardner

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