What do new COM students need to know?


What are the top library links for students?

Familiarize yourself with popular links below, then explore our website: med.fsu.edu/library

Off-Campus Access

You will need your FSUID and password to log in to off-campus access to library resources. For more information, see the FSUIDs for Off-Campus Access Page about accessing library resources from a non-FSU network.

Subject Guides

Our subject guides provide easy access to E-Books, E-Journals, online databases, and other relevant resources on medical and health science topics.

Research Services

Individual and group consultations are available at no cost to Florida State University College of Medicine faculty, students, residents/fellows, and research staff. Knowledgeable medical librarians will advise on search strategies, assist with terminology, database selection and provide guidance/ instruction on relevant databases.

Students and residents/fellows are expected to perform searches themselves for any curriculum-related assignments. Contact librarians with advance notice of at least 5 business days before your expected due date.

If you would like to schedule a research consultation, fill out a service request form: http://med-fsu.libanswers.com/research/search

Requesting Articles and Books

You’ve done the research but now you need to request an item... All FSU affiliates may borrow items from FSU Libraries’ General Collection. If we don’t carry it, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan. The typical waiting period is 1-3 business days for journal articles and 5-7 business days for books.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to schedule a research consultation? Email us at medlibrary@med.fsu.edu or call us at 850-644-3883. You may also find the answer to your question in our FAQs. Please do not hesitate to reach us if you need help. Remember, we’re here for you!


  • Last Updated Dec 11, 2023
  • Views 211
  • Answered By Susan Epstein

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